In mid December, I needed surgery to address what seemed to be an inflamed ovary. On the 23rd, I recieved the news that they found cancerous cells. At 37 years old, I found out that I'm a part of the 1% of colon cancer patients diagnosed before the age of 40. This news is devastating for me and my family as it has metasticized. The cancer has spread to my liver and lymphnodes, making it stage 4. We've met with specialists and have a treatment plan in place that involves checking the genetics of the cancer, chemo starting Jan 20th and scans. Shanda, Julie, Cindy and my family are helping track and organize help.
I plan on working as I can, however, I will need to take time off for chemo and post chemo recovery. We appreciate everyone who had donated so far to help cover our medical bills that will stem from this. If you are able to help, we appreciate it.